
You've come this far, you might as well take the time to read this!
HAWTgeek has been on Fanfiction.Net for a long time.
Whether she's made a splash or not, her fans are there for her, so she's decided she'll be there for them.
She wants her fans to see how it really is. See how she makes thier favorite stories and even get a heads-up on when things are coming out or secrets the regular readers won't know!

Thursday, July 19, 2012

About a Girl...
Awesome song right?
No one's heard it, huh?
Sorry, just can't stop listening to it today.
And I'm guessing you have never heard of Rob Lowe either, huh?

God, I sound like my mom...
Anyway, just saw a guy who I swear could be a twin of how Rob Lowe looked like when he was younger. Only taller and... hotter.
But anyway.

Who here has actually tried to write a book?
I wrote one, and it was easy then. I finished it at no time, but I decided to rewrite it before sending off to possible publishers. And it's so hard this time around!
I worry that the characters aren't right, that I need more action, more drama, more suspense. But I want to keep the major plot under wraps until the second books in the series.
And the time! God, I rarely have time to work on it! And I am driving myself insane, knowing I need to work on it.

This is your HAWTgeek signing off, and remember:
;D HAWTgeek ;D

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